Friday, July 31, 2009

Memiors Of A Geisha

Well, I feel a little unsatisfied and ripped off upon finally finishing the reading of Memiors Of A Geisha.

I was under the impression that it was a biographical piece. Told from the view of a Japanese lady, Sayuri. But translated/blanks filled in by Arthur Golden.

Looking back through the book, I should of actually paid more attention to who wrote the Translator's note - Jakob Haarhuis. I believed the note and thought that it was a real story. Having said that, I thought it was really weird that this woman, who would have been an old lady at the time she told the story, was able to remember thing's so clearly.

It wasn't until I read the "Acknowledgements" section. A section that I'm sure hardly anyone ever reads. The section begins with "Memiors of a Geisha is a novel and the character of Sayuri and her story are my own inventions." It's safe to say I actually felt decieved.

A couple months ago when I did an autobiographical class at uni. In that class we were learning about the truth in autobiographical texts and it's relation to the reader. Many of the other people in my class were speaking about different stories and how they felt decieved after finding out it wasn't real. The whole time we were studying this I was thinking "How could you feel like that from a book? Gees, get over it."

I now understand what they mean.

Although I do think the story is brilliant. It works in the first person perspective. I don't think it would have been as powerful if it was written in another format. Believe me, I was sucked in. I actually cared what happened to Sayuri, I was really angry at certain characters that made things happen to her, and I was so happy with the ending. That was until I found out it wasn't real.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I really wish I actually had something to write about.

Uni holidays are now over. Illustration starts tomorrow at 11am.

God help me.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The End Is Nigh.

Don't you just hate it when your privacy is invaded and then you are the one that is expected to apologize?

Privacy is something that is very important to me. But seems to be something that is continually ignored by a certain someone. I mean I have given this person a second chance. I don't think I can give her another one.

This person read my diary in 2005. I was 15. There wasn't really anything all that personal in it. But what made me really angry was that I had hidden it in my sock draw. While I was in the shower my two friends that were visiting went through my draws, found my diary and read it.

The excuse was that they didn't realise it was a diary because it had lyrics in the front of it (I don't just write entries in my diary, I have lyrics, photos, newspaper clippings, illustrations and whatever I want).

For one, who the hell hides something that they wouldnt mind other people seeing in a sock draw and who gave you permission to go through said draw? Plus this girl was my friend. Why when she realised that it actually was a diary, why did she continue reading? Why didn't she respect my privacy and put it down?

The two girls became offended at the fact I said they were posers. In my private diary where no one else could read it, or so I thought. I don't write things down in a book never to be seen by anyone but myself only to show everyone. I don't bitch about people, but I get angry and upset at people just like everyone else. What did they expect me to do? Actually after reading it they expected me to apologize. It wasn't "I'm really sorry I went though your private draws, found your diary and deliberately read the pages, but I'm hurt by what you wrote". No they were like "How could you write this bullshit?!" Well my bullshit has since proven to be correct. But whatevs.

What happened this time though? While I was drunk this girl went through my bag, found my phone and read through all my messages and my sent messages. She found messages that she thought were defamatory towards herself. Then she sent a message to my other friend that was on the recieving end of these messages. I don't know if she sent messages to anyone else because she erased all the evidence, but she probably forwarded them to herself.

Now these messages were not easily seen. There is like over 600 messages in both my inbox and sent items folder, the two or three messages that she found were about 200 messages down.

This girl believes she has done nothing wrong and expects me to feel bad about it. Seriously, it's just like reading someone's mail or email. You wouldn't do it, well for one reading someone elses mail is illegal and it's just totally disrespectful.

I can't believe someone who calls themself my best friend would do this to me. Like how insecure do you have to be that you'd have to spy on your best friend? I don't think I'll ever be able to trust her again.

I probably seem really callous, but then it doesn't feel like I'm losing a friend. It felt like that last year when we started to grow apart. I believe it was her fault. It's my fault for giving up, but I wouldn't have if she didn't make it seem like she was just using me.

Now I strongly suspect this girl took down the number of my other friend and is now trying to prank call her. The calling started on Sunday morning. If it is her it's so immature. I think it's a pretty big coincidence and it's totally unfair.